“Light Transformation offers fully-customized, commercial grade lighting at no-hassle and affordable rates to give your business, no matter how large or small, the competitive edge this holiday season."
1. Decorating for Christmas increases customer spending by putting them in the Christmas spirit!
2. Holiday decorating is a useful tax write-off as an advertisement expense.
3. Your competitors are taking advantage of Christmas lighting, shouldn't you as well?
Shopping Mood of Your Customers
It’s no secret that sales peak during the holiday season. The presence of holiday decorating lets customers know that the season is upon them. For most retailers, the holidays are the make-or-break season so it is wise to leverage every possible opportunity to bring more traffic into your business location.
Highlight Your Business
The holiday season is a very competitive for your business – by highlighting your storefront you immediately draw attention to the most important thing on the block- YOUR BUSINESS! Holiday decorating can dramatically improve the atmosphere around your business and set you apart from the competition.
We offer fully-customized, commercial-grade lighting at no-hassle and affordable rates to give your business, no matter how large or small, the competitive edge this holiday season.
We also offer shopping center and plaza decoration services.
Contact us for a Free Estimate with no Obligations!
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